Beyond Bouldering

Rebranding a South Australian climbing icon into something ... bolder.

The Brief

How do you unify a community of climbers after years of growth in all directions?

After a period of rapid growth and the opening of new gyms, Beyond Bouldering engaged Fuller to rebuild and strengthen their brand.

It was essential for the rebrand to be bold, inclusive and representative of Beyond Bouldering’s position as South Australia’s largest indoor climbing community. A safe place where all people can train, strengthen and condition their bodies and minds.

The new brand also needed to work across different gyms, clothing and marketing channels — to create one unified climbing experience.

Services Provided

Brand Strategy & Identity, Design & Motion Graphics


We undertook extensive research and worked closely with Beyond Bouldering’s passionate community, every step of the climb.

Together we defined Beyond Bouldering as a place where people can come as they are and leave, bolder.

The brand’s personality and story were inspired by the sense of empowerment climbers feel when they’re bouldering, of having the ability to unlock a bolder self.

Our reimagined logotype was designed to emphasise Beyond and work vertically like a climber on a wall.


We transformed Beyond Bouldering’s past logo into a new graphic device by extruding two B’s and adding bouldering bolt holes. It became a repeatable symbol used on stickers, gear, clothing and climbing tags — a representation of flexibility and ascent.

We also restructured a fragmented colour palette that varied from location to location. Ultramarine blue became the hero colour, supported by a palette of secondary neons which added excitement atop timeless, neutral tones and materials.


Beyond Bouldering’s new brand messaging and visual identity were launched in conjunction with a bouldering competition for maximum community engagement, and rolled out cohesively across all gym locations and digital channels.

It’s now worn proudly by chalk-clad climbers as they go forth, bolder than ever.