A video content campaign to encourage people to “study with the best” at UniSA.

The Brief

Reinforce the story behind the “study with the best” campaign.

In 2018 Fuller, as a preferred services supplier to UniSA, proactively encouraged the university to run a content campaign that would support its long held above-the-line brand positioning “study with the best”.

UniSA came back to Fuller with a brief to create a toolkit of digital content assets to use across social channels to reinforce the story behind the “study with the best” campaign, targeting the university’s full range of student audiences.

Specific requirements of the campaign included:

  • Create content that specifically aims to increase levels of digital engagement (comments and shares) with key audiences.
  • Create content that doesn’t require substantiation, brag points and therefore regular updating.
  • Create content that is flexible and can be used to tell many different and varied stories.

Services Provided

Creative Campaigns, Film, Photography & Audio


Fuller worked with the central idea “everyone says university is the best time of your life, but what does the best look like and feel like?” to develop a creative content series.

The stories in the campaign would focus on the little “big” moments that make the university years “the best” by featuring scenarios that would encourage students, researchers and partners to choose UniSA.

The punchy, six second videos would show practical life changing learning and how it FEELS to study at UniSA – the moment you realise what you want to “do” with your life.


The creative solution and structure of the videos can be applied to every degree and every type of student, allowing the University to run the campaign over a long period of time while keeping the content fresh.

In terms of increasing levels of awareness of the degrees on offer to study at UniSA with key audiences, the campaign achieved:

  • 400K

    More than 400,000 impressions across the four video assets in just three months.

  • 0.45%

    An average click through rate of 0.45%.